From Pan Pipes Store: My Comments
(too old to reply)
2004-07-24 01:21:22 UTC

Panpipes is the oldest surviving occult store in America. If it was in any
kind of trouble wouldn't the website reflect it?

No John, your assessment of the store is incorrect. It is doing fine. As far
as the integrity of Vicky and Jymie, they are professionals who do not steal
people's work. They are very careful with everything they say and sign on
every project.

Your comments about Fairuza Balk are unfounded as well. A lot of people are
going around talking shit about her and she's working out her own situation
and doing just fine. We all make our own choices to make us happy. Nobody
can judge us for what we do or do not do with our own lives.

Why do I even have to preach this? Anyone who is in the business of
producing art knows how to be professional in order to maintain one's
reputation and survive?
2004-07-24 18:01:19 UTC
Why doesn't John post that he did not say this himself?
