(too old to reply)
2006-08-29 00:05:41 UTC
There is only ONE...Fairuza Balk 8)
Right on. Stefen(?) Thanks for posting stuff that you do! I
really appreciate the time you take..err and this pics that
I get from it. <g>

When you have time, you should consider PGP.
Check in .brallen

2006-08-30 16:31:55 UTC
Post by Gia
There is only ONE...Fairuza Balk 8)
Right on. Stefen(?) Thanks for posting stuff that you do! I
really appreciate the time you take..err and this pics that
I get from it. <g>
When you have time, you should consider PGP.
Check in .brallen
Hiya Gia 8)

Thanks for the Thanx, ummmm it's Stephen btw *grins*
All the stuff I post is online someplace or another, whenever I
stumble across something new or that I like I try to post it here,
keeps some activity in the newsgroup 8)

Probably a stupid question and one I could answer if I googled around
but, what is "PGP" anyways ? I've heard of it before, figured it was
some kind of 'encryption' or security related thing like "Verisign" or
whatever. I've never used it and never figured I had any reason to but
could check it out.

Just got back from Florida last night late and have to work the next
few days, starting tonight, but am back online now. I don't think my
ISP carries .brallen (is that a newsgroup?).

Take Care 8)


" I breathe for a Living...."
2006-09-01 15:56:33 UTC
Post by Gia
There is only ONE...Fairuza Balk 8)
Right on. Stefen(?) Thanks for posting stuff that you do! I
really appreciate the time you take..err and this pics that
I get from it. <g>
When you have time, you should consider PGP.
I checked and my ISP doesn't carry that group Gia so I took a look
through Google groups. Ummmm Thanks I appreciate the thought tho


" I breathe for a Living...."
