(too old to reply)
2006-07-04 12:57:08 UTC
¡Feliz cuarto de julio!

Indeed, such a greeting is appropriate now that the Bu$h immigration
initiative is dead. It was yet another effort to rally Neanderthals in
a last ditch effort to boost polls, and of course it failed miserably,
as did attempted amendments to the Constitution to ban flag burning and
gay marriage.

This century is the Hispanic century in the Western hemisphere, just as
this century is the Asian century in the world as a whole. At least
five governments in Central and South AmeriKKKa have gone socialist in
the last year or so, joining Cuba and Venezuela. Several more are on
the verge. In fact, Mexico's leftist presidential candidate is running
close in its vote count. Fortunately, electronic voting machines
aren't being used, so he has a decent chance of winning -- if not this
time, then in the next election.

The Iraq War is of course lost. Defeat has been guaranteed by
worldwide exposure of a series of horrific war crimes. The lastest was
the rape of a 15-year-old girl by AmeriKKKan war criminals, followed by
her murder along with other family members.

So there's hope and good times ahead, even though AmeriKKKa's presence
is gruesome in the world as it has been for centuries. ¡Feliz cuarto
de julio!
2006-07-27 02:21:17 UTC
x-no-archive: yes
ChasNemo wrote:
¡Feliz cuarto de julio!

Indeed, such a greeting is appropriate now that the Bu$h immigration
initiative is dead. It was yet another effort to rally Neanderthals
a last ditch effort to boost polls, and of course it failed miserably,
as did attempted amendments to the Constitution to ban flag burning
gay marriage.

This century is the Hispanic century in the Western hemisphere, just
this century is the Asian century in the world as a whole. At least
five governments in Central and South AmeriKKKa have gone socialist in
the last year or so, joining Cuba and Venezuela. Several more are on
the verge. In fact, Mexico's leftist presidential candidate is
close in its vote count. Fortunately, electronic voting machines
aren't being used, so he has a decent chance of winning -- if not this
time, then in the next election.

The Iraq War is of course lost. Defeat has been guaranteed by
worldwide exposure of a series of horrific war crimes. The lastest
the rape of a 15-year-old girl by AmeriKKKan war criminals, followed
her murder along with other family members.

So there's hope and good times ahead, even though AmeriKKKa's presence
is gruesome in the world as it has been for centuries. ¡Feliz cuarto

you belong in prison like all pedophiles. you deserve to die in a jail
cell like all pedophiles. every pedophile should have a bullet fired
into his brain.
