(too old to reply)
2005-05-13 13:01:57 UTC
You won. I wanted to ask you something but deleted your last
e-mails,get in touch if you want to.

2005-05-14 02:18:05 UTC
Post by SabracadabrA
You won. I wanted to ask you something but deleted your last
e-mails,get in touch if you want to.
Hi, Sabra.

I don't think the reply-blocks for her nym address are in working
order. They 'are' a pain to keep up with. Plus, I remember reading
in the group she frequents that she and a few others there were just
going to let 'em die. So what they do now (for personal stuff) is to
post PGP encrypted mails to the group. Much easier to post and
reply that way than to continually try to maintain said working reply-
blocks. I know cuz I use a nym addy for my email.

Maybe I know the answer you're looking for./? I've known her for
a while - though not like best friends or anything. As we all know,
she's very tight-lipped about anything in her personal life. Heh, I
don't know much, myself. [G]

2005-05-14 08:38:12 UTC
Post by Gia
Hi, Sabra.
Maybe I know the answer you're looking for./?
Excuse me Ma'am but your slip is showing; a dress just isn't right
that way 8)
As for my questions, I don't think you have the answers *politely*.
All that other stuff I couldn't care less about and don't pay
attention to it at all much less try and follow it *nicely*.
I hope you have been well 8) I've been too preoccupied to post or do
much with doing stills on my computer and I deleted all my pics so
haven't had anything to post.
I'll be around Take Care 8)
2005-05-14 12:28:14 UTC
SabracadabrA wrote:


Huh? OK, then. Nicely and politely - thanks for the info.

Sheesh... Remind me to try to help someone out again.

2005-05-14 17:48:59 UTC
Post by Gia
Huh? OK, then. Nicely and politely - thanks for the info.
Sheesh... Remind me to try to help someone out again.
Hi Gia 8)

I apologize if that came across wrong there was more to it than I was
willing to say on usenet and I couldn't e-mail you. I appreciate your
offer to help but I really don't think you have the answers. I was
trying to soften the tone of my response by using the *nicely* and
*politely* it's an old habit I picked up chatting thru text only means
I hope you aren't too offended because none was intended.
If you want me to explain then e-mail me because mine works it's the
one I use exclusively for usenet. I'm off to work shortly (it's 2pm)
and won't be home until late tonight 3am or so EST; so I might not
reply right away today (probably Sunday morning when I get up before I
go fishing)

Take Care and sorry for the misunderstanding 8)
2005-05-15 12:32:30 UTC
Post by SabracadabrA
Hi Gia 8)
I apologize if that came across wrong there was more to it than I was
willing to say on usenet and I couldn't e-mail you. I appreciate your
offer to help but I really don't think you have the answers.
Okay. I live in Italy so English is not my first language. With the
'I couldn't care less' bit, I did interpret it as you coming off as
a bit of a hard-ass. However, after reading your reply, I guess
it was a simple misunderstanding. So, no harm done. :)

By explaining the nym stuff, I was trying to explain the reason
why she probably wouldn't be answering your Ping with an email
in case you were unaware of the situation. I'll mind my own biz
from now on. And that's not easy - being a gurl. LOL
Post by SabracadabrA
Take Care and sorry for the misunderstanding 8)
Back at'cha...

2005-05-16 02:14:06 UTC
Post by Gia
Okay. I live in Italy so English is not my first language. With the
'I couldn't care less' bit, I did interpret it as you coming off as
a bit of a hard-ass. However, after reading your reply, I guess
it was a simple misunderstanding. So, no harm done. :)
That was a poor choice of words on my part with that, I'm not very
good with social interaction and tend to be too blunt , staightforward
or aloof.
It was also some poor timing as I posted in the middle of the night
when I woke up and couldn't sleep.
Post by Gia
By explaining the nym stuff, I was trying to explain the reason
why she probably wouldn't be answering your Ping with an email
in case you were unaware of the situation. I'll mind my own biz
from now on. And that's not easy - being a gurl. LOL
Honestly, I wasn't anticipating a reply for a number of reasons. The
least of which are we only corresponded that one time, have never met
and don't know each other at all. I was taking a chance that she would
answer a question or two that would resolve an ongoing problem I'm
having with another situation.

I don't know squat about nyms and PGP and that stuff and don't have
any idea about the groups and such you were talking about. I don't
follow or pay any attention to private stuff. That's what I meant when
I said I don't care about it.
Post by Gia
Post by SabracadabrA
Take Care and sorry for the misunderstanding 8)
Back at'cha...
Thanks for understanding 8)
Post by Gia
