One more Test
(too old to reply)
2006-07-14 20:06:34 UTC
Here is another awesome pic to appease you while I tweak my posting
Awesome pic, dude! Thanks for sharing. :)

2006-07-15 15:28:12 UTC
Post by Gia
Here is another awesome pic to appease you while I tweak my posting
Awesome pic, dude! Thanks for sharing. :)
Hey there stranger 8) How ya been?

The interview that the picture is from is even better. Wish I had the
whole piece.

" I breathe for a Living...."
2006-07-15 17:10:40 UTC
Post by Sabracadabra
Hey there stranger 8) How ya been?
Ah I'm hanging in there. Yourself?

Kinda looks like we're both playin' stranger around these parts. ;)

Did you catch FB in the Masters of Horror episode? The new ones
start in October - wish she'd do another one! And maybe taking the
crazy-person role this time. (heh)

I ordered the DVD just to have her episode.. that and I enjoy watching
those types of stories. We don't get the show in Italy so, I'll likely
order the upcoming ones on DVD as well.
Post by Sabracadabra
The interview that the picture is from is even better. Wish I had the
whole piece.
Was it from a magazine, TV, or the net? What did she talk about?

2006-07-15 16:39:13 UTC
Post by Gia
Post by Sabracadabra
Hey there stranger 8) How ya been?
Ah I'm hanging in there. Yourself?
I'm doing pretty good, have had some big changes in the mundane
reality, just going with the flow for now.
Post by Gia
Kinda looks like we're both playin' stranger around these parts. ;)
Oh I've been around for awhile........Was thinking about being a
square next tho 8P
Post by Gia
Did you catch FB in the Masters of Horror episode? The new ones
start in October - wish she'd do another one! And maybe taking the
crazy-person role this time. (heh)
Sadly no I didn't 8( I don't watch TV much and didn't hear about it
until after the fact and then I couldn't even figure out what channel
it might have been on anyways *grins*
Post by Gia
I ordered the DVD just to have her episode.. that and I enjoy watching
those types of stories. We don't get the show in Italy so, I'll likely
order the upcoming ones on DVD as well.
Ooooooo..... do you have a link for where to order that? I'd love to
check it out and have it in my collection.
Post by Gia
Post by Sabracadabra
The interview that the picture is from is even better. Wish I had the
whole piece.
Was it from a magazine, TV, or the net? What did she talk about?
I found it online. It was on the website for a film festival held in
the Czech Republic. I can't think of the name of it, actually the site
wasn't in English either now that I think about it. Anyways it seemed
the festival was similar to like Sundance in general. The clip of the
interview is about 3-4 minutes and Fairuza was talking about "Don't
come knocking" and working with Wim Wenders and Sam Shepard and how
she got the role. There was also a bit at the end of the clip where
she was talking about another movie that she is filming in Europe
though she didn't give a name or anything.
It's a great interview and Fairuza is absolutely captivating
throughout it 8)
I don't think it is online anymore though,I was thinking about posting
a link and it's about 8MB too, making it too long to post 8/

Post by Gia
" I breathe for a Living...."
2006-07-15 23:30:35 UTC
Post by Sabracadabra
Oh I've been around for awhile........Was thinking about being a
square next tho 8P
Nerk-nerk. LOL

Post by Sabracadabra
Ooooooo..... do you have a link for where to order that? I'd love to
check it out and have it in my collection.
Mine was, I'm sure, was a bootleg from Asia. (Tsk, Tsk, on me :))
I didn't think to save the link. :(

You can get/pre-order her episode, which comes out 17th October,
from here.

If you google "Masters of Horror - Pick Me Up" you can probably
find it other places. But CD Universe is a VERY good site to buy
stuff. Reasonable prices & Fast delivery!
Post by Sabracadabra
Post by Gia
Was it from a magazine, TV, or the net? What did she talk about?
I found it online. It was on the website for a film festival held in
the Czech Republic. I can't think of the name of it, actually the site
wasn't in English either now that I think about it. Anyways it seemed
the festival was similar to like Sundance in general. The clip of the
interview is about 3-4 minutes and Fairuza was talking about "Don't
come knocking" and working with Wim Wenders and Sam Shepard and how
she got the role. There was also a bit at the end of the clip where
she was talking about another movie that she is filming in Europe
though she didn't give a name or anything.
It's a great interview and Fairuza is absolutely captivating
throughout it 8)
I don't think it is online anymore though,I was thinking about posting
a link and it's about 8MB too, making it too long to post 8/
Yeah, I know what you mean. But thanks for the info above just the
same. I'm just glad to hear that there's more films in the works. I
can't get enough of her. Join the party, right? (hehe)

2006-07-16 06:09:36 UTC
Post by Gia
Post by Sabracadabra
Ooooooo..... do you have a link for where to order that? I'd love to
check it out and have it in my collection.
(Tsk, Tsk, on you) ;) at least you got it.
Post by Gia
I didn't think to save the link. :(
No problem 8)
Post by Gia
You can get/pre-order her episode, which comes out 17th October,
from here.
If you google "Masters of Horror - Pick Me Up" you can probably
find it other places. But CD Universe is a VERY good site to buy
stuff. Reasonable prices & Fast delivery!
Thanks for the link and info. I have to make sure I remember to
actually order it though 8)

Post by Gia
Post by Sabracadabra
It's a great interview and Fairuza is absolutely captivating
throughout it 8)
I don't think it is online anymore though,I was thinking about posting
a link and it's about 8MB too, making it too long to post 8/
Yeah, I know what you mean. But thanks for the info above just the
same. I'm just glad to hear that there's more films in the works.
Ditto with the 'more in the works' it's great that she is keeping
busy. It's just hard to keep current because of the low key she keeps
and doing indie films (which I think is great) there isn't any news
about what is new or next.
Post by Gia
I can't get enough of her. Join the party, right? (hehe)
Yes....*grins*..... right 8)

Back to the interview. I was going to try to put it on an MSN group I
have but it's too big for the free level of storage there. If you can
figure out a way I'd be happy to let you have a copy. I don't know if
you use any IM programs but I *think* MSNs messenger would let a file
that large go through. I'll have to see how much space my ISP allows
for it's free homepage thingy (never set it up or used one tho) maybe
I could put it there until you get a copy.

" I breathe for a Living...."
2006-07-17 11:35:04 UTC
On Sun, 16 Jul 2006 06:09:36 GMT, Sabracadabra
Post by Gia
Post by Sabracadabra
It's a great interview and Fairuza is absolutely captivating
throughout it 8)
I don't think it is online anymore though,I was thinking about posting
a link and it's about 8MB too, making it too long to post 8/
Yeah, I know what you mean. But thanks for the info above just the
same. I'm just glad to hear that there's more films in the works.
I figured out how to use my free web space and put a page together so
you can download the interview now 8)

It says "It's right here"

Oh and here is the addy http://home.earthlink.net/~sabracadabra/amiab


" I breathe for a Living...."
2006-07-17 13:50:10 UTC
Sabracadabra wrote:

Post by Sabracadabra
I figured out how to use my free web space and put a page together so
you can download the interview now 8)
It says "It's right here"
Oh and here is the addy http://home.earthlink.net/~sabracadabra/amiab
Wow, thanks, S!! What a guy. :)

I'll be roasting my whopping 26.4kbps on-the-road connection soon. (hehe)
Dang.. wish I was home. Oh well, I better shut-up and get to it.

2006-07-17 19:13:31 UTC
Post by Gia
Post by Sabracadabra
Wow, thanks, S!! What a guy. :)
I'll be roasting my whopping 26.4kbps on-the-road connection soon. (hehe)
Dang.. wish I was home. Oh well, I better shut-up and get to it.
No problem 8)
I'll leave it up for about a week just to make sure you can get it.

Take Care 8)

" I breathe for a Living...."
2006-07-24 15:12:15 UTC
Post by Gia
Post by Sabracadabra
I figured out how to use my free web space and put a page together so
you can download the interview now 8)
It says "It's right here"
Oh and here is the addy http://home.earthlink.net/~sabracadabra/amiab
Wow, thanks, S!! What a guy. :)
I'll be roasting my whopping 26.4kbps on-the-road connection soon. (hehe)
Dang.. wish I was home. Oh well, I better shut-up and get to it.
Hi Gia 8)

Can you let me know when you have gotten that downloaded? I'd like to
take the page down once you have. I only put it up so that you and
someone else could have a copy of the interview. Also I don't want to
be infringing on anyone's copyrights by leaving it available
Thanks bunches and have a great day 8)



" I breathe for a Living...."
2006-07-24 23:26:56 UTC
Post by Sabracadabra
Hi Gia 8)
Can you let me know when you have gotten that downloaded?
Oops... I got it, S. Sorry about not letting you know sooner. :/
Post by Sabracadabra
Thanks bunches and have a great day 8)
Hey, you too! And much thanks again!!!

P.S. I have not seen Siru on usenet, lately. Just thought you
might like to know.
2006-07-25 08:38:00 UTC
Post by Gia
Post by Sabracadabra
Hi Gia 8)
Can you let me know when you have gotten that downloaded?
Oops... I got it, S. Sorry about not letting you know sooner. :/
Hey no problem Gia, I gathered you were probably busy with work or
whatever. Glad you were able to get it downloaded 8)
Post by Gia
Post by Sabracadabra
Thanks bunches and have a great day 8)
Hey, you too! And much thanks again!!!
You're welcome 8)
Post by Gia
P.S. I have not seen Siru on usenet, lately. Just thought you
might like to know.
Thanks for letting me know. It was a longshot, we haven't spoken since
our last e-mail exchange and I deleted those. I don't have any other
way to get in touch so thought I'd throw the olive branch here 8/
If so inclined to, Siru knows how to get in touch with me normally to
talk things over.
Appreciates your thoughtfulness tho 8)


" I breathe for a Living...."
