What's the most valuable lesson you've learned so far?
(too old to reply)
ren1999 (Felix The Cat)
2004-04-16 05:00:12 UTC
I've learned that life is a cycle and that if you don't want to be dragged
down by it you've got to repeat good habits every day. But always be
interested in finding a better way so that you spiral upward and inward
toward more complexity and not downward, outward and scattered toward

This is the essence of the great work. It is a sacred geometry. He or she
who visualizes this plan will always succeed.
ren1999 (Felix The Cat)
2004-04-16 05:07:09 UTC
A lesson I learned about people is that people are human and falliable. They
will always let you down over a period of time.

It doesn't matter if they claim to be a good Christian. They have carnal
desires. They are capable of good and evil.

It doesn't matter if they are a Wiccan and they fight for freedom every day.
They are capable of selfishness and evil as well.

Never underestimate the goodness or evil your enemies or your closest
friends are capable of.

Knowing this about people, you yourself is the only person you can trust
without a doubt. Only you can depend on yourself to take care of yourself.
You must love and take care of yourself first before you can love and take
care of others.

Even your enemies are capable of helping you. Even your dear family and
friends are capable of betraying you. Knowing this you may plan your life.

Thank the gods every day for your friends and how lucky you are to have
them. But don't place all your hopes and trust in them. Only in yourself.
2004-04-16 06:31:37 UTC
Post by ren1999 (Felix The Cat)
A lesson I learned about people is that people are human and falliable. They
will always let you down over a period of time.
It doesn't matter if they claim to be a good Christian. They have carnal
desires. They are capable of good and evil.
It doesn't matter if they are a Wiccan and they fight for freedom every day.
They are capable of selfishness and evil as well.
Never underestimate the goodness or evil your enemies or your closest
friends are capable of.
Knowing this about people, you yourself is the only person you can trust
without a doubt. Only you can depend on yourself to take care of yourself.
You must love and take care of yourself first before you can love and take
care of others.
Even your enemies are capable of helping you. Even your dear family and
friends are capable of betraying you. Knowing this you may plan your life.
Thank the gods every day for your friends and how lucky you are to have
them. But don't place all your hopes and trust in them. Only in yourself.
Thanks, that's good. I needed to hear that from you. The question to
that answer has been on my mind a lot since your return.

Although, I think that we can trust people, and we need to trust
others (for their sake as well as our own), but as you say, it is good
to remember that they are fallible.
2004-04-22 01:20:32 UTC
Post by HY
Although, I think that we can trust people, and we need to trust
others (for their sake as well as our own), but as you say, it is good
to remember that they are fallible.
I think there is trust. But the Russian said, "trust but verify."
2004-04-24 07:51:34 UTC
Post by ren
Post by HY
Although, I think that we can trust people, and we need to trust
others (for their sake as well as our own), but as you say, it is good
to remember that they are fallible.
I think there is trust. But the Russian said, "trust but verify."
How do you verify, ren?
How do you really ever know?

arw taught me to not trust so much that trust isn't even an issue any
more for me.

I accept that people have different values, and align myself with the
people who have similar ideals or at least ones that I can cope with
if some of their ideals differ.

On similar tangent: I accept that the people around me won't work very
well for me or with me, if I can't accept and trust that they able to
do the work on their own as well as me, even if it is different. (Even
if though that statement isn't always true). I also know that trust
doesn't come, if you take away the persons ability to find

Wow it feels nicer to post away from arw. Who knew!
2004-04-24 15:34:24 UTC
Post by HY
I accept that people have different values, and align myself with the
people who have similar ideals or at least ones that I can cope with
if some of their ideals differ.
On similar tangent: I accept that the people around me won't work very
well for me or with me, if I can't accept and trust that they able to
do the work on their own as well as me, even if it is different. (Even
if though that statement isn't always true). I also know that trust
doesn't come, if you take away the persons ability to find
Wow it feels nicer to post away from arw. Who knew!
Giving up on the people who let you down doesn't mean giving up on yourself.
I guess it's no different then me coming home at night and popping open a
can of Japanese imported beer and slugging it down then giving out a loud
gasp and a sigh.

Then saying. "The fucking idiots under me and the fucking inhuman bastards
above me. I work in a hellish environment of my own making." Then ranting on
a political newsgroup forum for the relief of stress.

Tonight I will be at Sakura-Con. http://www.sakuracon.org/index.php
2004-04-26 08:56:01 UTC
Post by ren
Giving up on the people who let you down doesn't mean giving up on yourself.
Yes, this is a very important lesson for someone like me to learn and

Also: giving up on a particular situation, doesn't mean that you are a
quitter, it can mean that you have learned slamming your head into a
wall isn't the best solution, and it hurts. The pain goes away once
you stop. haha..

That's a grey area for me, I can fixate on something I think is very
important, and I don't want to give up until it works out.

The lesson: Treat these situations as sunk costs, and stop throwing
extra time effort and money into trying to save something that doesn't
deserve being saved. Learn the opportunity cost of your time and efforts.
Post by ren
I guess it's no different then me coming home at night and popping open a
can of Japanese imported beer and slugging it down then giving out a loud
gasp and a sigh.
I can see you doing that too!

I make a quick stomp, clench my fists, and utter silent curses. Then
turn my computer on. Or I go out with friends and talk their ears off.
I am no longer a hermit!
Post by ren
Then saying. "The fucking idiots under me and the fucking inhuman bastards
above me. I work in a hellish environment of my own making."
Yep! Even the best of jobs has its politics.

Did you create this environment out of need, out of boredom, or to
keep yourself busy and learn from the situation (i.e., are you
slamming your head against the wall hoping the pain goes away or until
a new method pops up?) There is a reason that you are there, right? I
can't believe that you aren't getting something out of it that you
need, besides the money. You are a humanitarian by nature
Post by ren
Then ranting on a political newsgroup forum
for the relief of stress.
ng's posting can be great for stress relief.

I have to learn how to follow my heart, not my head. But the big thing
thinks a lot and I have not yet really found that which I believe is
my passion.
Post by ren
Tonight I will be at Sakura-Con. http://www.sakuracon.org/index.php
Did you enjoy yourself? Did you meet anyone from the net, because you
posted this?

I have a horrible secret to admit, ren. I have watched Final Fantasy
and Spirited Away. I loved both of these movies. However, I have not
converted to the Anime or Japanese culture.

I think I am the only one on the net, who hasn't yet.
2004-04-27 03:27:54 UTC
I'm pretty happy right now. No real worries. I worry about the world.
2004-04-27 05:49:15 UTC
Post by ren
I'm pretty happy right now. No real worries. I worry about the world.
Ah, good. I was sort of worried that you might be bothered somewhat,
by your last post.

I am pretty happy too, except for something terrifying me in my dreams.