FORGERY: Responsible For All World Problems
(too old to reply)
2004-08-10 20:07:19 UTC
My name is Gordon Moat.
No, it isn't.
My name is Chevy Chase.
My name is Jose Jimenez.
I'm Morley Safer.
Aquarius and my name is Ralph.
No, Ralph.
Didn't I ask you not to call me by my pre-surgery name?
__ __ __ __ O O O
/ / | / | / | / | O o o
(___ ( |(___|(___|(___| o _____________o
)| )| )| ) o.;-----------./|
__/ |__/ | / | __/ // S O A P Y // |
|'-----------'| /
Smeeter #30-something jgs | | /
"This is just disgusting. I should give myself a lot of love."
----Starshine Moronbeam reveals his lonely love life in
Hans "Mark" Moleman
2004-08-10 21:10:54 UTC
Post by Soapy
My name is Gordon Moat.
No, it isn't.
My name is Chevy Chase.
My name is Jose Jimenez.
I'm Morley Safer.
Aquarius and my name is Ralph.
No, Ralph.
Didn't I ask you not to call me by my pre-surgery name?
You're confusing the AUKers.
http://BeDoper.com - BeOS and a hell of a lot more

Virgin Message Board
2004-08-11 04:09:07 UTC
Post by Hans "Mark" Moleman
Post by Soapy
My name is Gordon Moat.
No, it isn't.
My name is Chevy Chase.
My name is Jose Jimenez.
I'm Morley Safer.
Aquarius and my name is Ralph.
No, Ralph.
Didn't I ask you not to call me by my pre-surgery name?
You're confusing the AUKers.
That's easily done.
__ __ __ __ O O O
/ / | / | / | / | O o o
(___ ( |(___|(___|(___| o _____________o
)| )| )| ) o.;-----------./|
__/ |__/ | / | __/ // S O A P Y // |
|'-----------'| /
Smeeter #30-something jgs | | /
"This is just disgusting. I should give myself a lot of love."
----Starshine Moronbeam reveals his lonely love life in
2004-08-11 05:47:22 UTC
Post by Soapy
My name is Gordon Moat.
No, it isn't.
My name is Chevy Chase.
My name is Jose Jimenez.
I'm Morley Safer.
Aquarius and my name is Ralph.
No, Ralph.
Didn't I ask you not to call me by my pre-surgery name?
The pre and post op pics will surely be on Barney's snuhsite.
Post by Soapy
__ __ __ __ O O O
/ / | / | / | / | O o o
(___ ( |(___|(___|(___| o _____________o
)| )| )| ) o.;-----------./|
__/ |__/ | / | __/ // S O A P Y // |
|'-----------'| /
Smeeter #30-something jgs | | /
"This is just disgusting. I should give myself a lot of love."
----Starshine Moronbeam reveals his lonely love life in

/ \
/ \ /-----\
| (@) | | SnuH |
| (O) | \_ ___/
| / | ||
| \ /_ / //
\ \____/ / /
\ /

From: Lionel <***@alt.net>
Newsgroups: news.admin.net-abuse.policy
Subject: Re: [Request for comments] Proposed methods for minimising
abuse from anonymous gateways.
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2004 02:03:25 +0000 (UTC)
Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>

There is a *reason* why people have been increasingly abandoning Usenet
for web-fora, et al, & this sort of crap is a major part of it. I've
even considered it myself, & I'm a hardcore news-junkie. The levels of
personal, professional, & RL harassment people have been receiving in
rec.photo.* have been truly mind-boggling, & I'm astounded that nobody
has yet launched legal action against Google, the mail2news gateways or
their peers.
2004-08-16 02:19:04 UTC
Post by ±
Post by Soapy
My name is Gordon Moat.
No, it isn't.
My name is Chevy Chase.
My name is Jose Jimenez.
I'm Morley Safer.
Aquarius and my name is Ralph.
No, Ralph.
Didn't I ask you not to call me by my pre-surgery name?
The pre and post op pics will surely be on Barney's snuhsite.
It won't be complete without them.
__ __ __ __ O O O
/ / | / | / | / | O o o
(___ ( |(___|(___|(___| o _____________o
)| )| )| ) o.;-----------./|
__/ |__/ | / | __/ // S O A P Y // |
|'-----------'| /
Smeeter #30-something jgs | | /
"This is just disgusting. I should give myself a lot of love."
----Starshine Moronbeam reveals his lonely love life in