(too old to reply)
Charles Nemo
2004-11-13 04:26:07 UTC
Bush, Cheney, and Powell are sitting in a bar. They're intently going over
detailed maps and plans. The waitress comes over to see if they'd like
another round, and asks what they are working on.

"Tell 'em, Colin," Bush says to Powell, nudging Cheney in the ribs.

Well," Powell slowly answers in a deep rumbling voice, "we're plotting to
kill a hundred thousand Iraqis and one blonde with big tits."

"My God!' exclaims the waitress, "why on earth would you be plotting to kill
a blonde with big tits?"

See," Cheney interjects, smiling sardonically at Powell. "Nobody cares
about a hundred thousand dead Iraqis."

Charles Nemo
"Nemo is the Wal-Mart of the dark side, the one-stop superstore for everything
ugly, from Satanism to Nazi occultism to serial killers."
~Forbidden Internet Magazine #1 (May 2001)
2004-11-13 10:57:22 UTC
Grow UpChuck
Post by Charles Nemo
Bush, Cheney, and Powell are sitting in a bar. They're intently going over
detailed maps and plans. The waitress comes over to see if they'd like
another round, and asks what they are working on.
"Tell 'em, Colin," Bush says to Powell, nudging Cheney in the ribs.
Well," Powell slowly answers in a deep rumbling voice, "we're plotting to
kill a hundred thousand Iraqis and one blonde with big tits."
"My God!' exclaims the waitress, "why on earth would you be plotting to kill
a blonde with big tits?"
See," Cheney interjects, smiling sardonically at Powell. "Nobody cares
about a hundred thousand dead Iraqis."
Charles Nemo
"Nemo is the Wal-Mart of the dark side, the one-stop superstore for everything
ugly, from Satanism to Nazi occultism to serial killers."
~Forbidden Internet Magazine #1 (May 2001)