The Ethnic Heritage Of Merlin
(too old to reply)
2004-04-23 06:36:08 UTC
Was he half human and half of an extra-terrestrial reptilian-like being who
the Sumerians called the Annunaki? The Hebrews under Babylonian rule called
them Giants "Nephilim" the spawn of fallen angels and the daughters of men.
The Nephilim taught human beings the difference between good and evil and
taught them magick.

These beings have specific characteristics according to Sumerian stories.
They were from outer space, children of Anu. They had glowing wings, perhaps
the arrangement of psychic energy on their backs which allowed them to fly.
They were immortal and could not be killed by human beings. They considered
humans as pets and some of the Annunaki enslaved humans. They live under the
earth, sea, and in mountains. They have flying chariots, fortresses. They
came to earth before humans evolved. They teach magick and have unlimited
powers. They influence politics behind the scenes.

If one subscribes to this mythological explanation then there are two kinds
of people in the world. The kind of person who prays to a god for help and
the kind of person who finds the divine within and acts like a god.

The ultimate sin in the Bible was quoted by angels as the reason angels
became fallen. This was that they dared to be like the most high. They dared
to become gods. According to Christian mythology this is why witches and
witchcraft are condemned because people are supposed to trust and depend on

I suppose in this cosmology I have associated myself with the most wicked of
fallen angels. You see, I don't trust the Christian god and I won't wait for
my family and friends to be cured with time. I will apply the science of
medicine to them because I dare to take fate into my hands and be like the
most high.

I question what is right and wrong and defy those who blindly follow Jesus
and George Bush.

So this brazen serpent of the Bible is similar in function to the stories of
the Babylonians / Sumerians.

The old axiom that "one is too stupid to be evil," holds true for some.

But then the intellectual class fights with each other over how to treat
those less aware.

We have the neo-conservatives who just don't want to give any money to those
they consider weak and then we have the humanitarians who want to coddle and
give too much.

In the Arthurian stories, Merlin represents the intellectual class and tries
to be somewhat humanitarian but not too forgiving. He is identified as not
human and this identification is significant in that he is seen as an
outsider to the affairs of humans.

Disconnected. Ephemeral like a ghost. People can tell he isn't entirely
2004-04-23 12:11:14 UTC
Post by ren
In the Arthurian stories, Merlin represents the intellectual class and tries
to be somewhat humanitarian but not too forgiving. He is identified as not
human and this identification is significant in that he is seen as an
outsider to the affairs of humans.
Disconnected. Ephemeral like a ghost. People can tell he isn't entirely
I'd kinda got the impression that 'Merlin' represented the 'seeker' and/or
storyteller, looking back in time, and reshaping the story - and weaving in
bits of 'magic' to get around awkward details.


2004-04-24 15:09:31 UTC
Post by root
I'd kinda got the impression that 'Merlin' represented the 'seeker' and/or
storyteller, looking back in time, and reshaping the story - and weaving in
bits of 'magic' to get around awkward details.
Good observation. In some stories he is known as the "one who walks backward
in time."
2004-04-26 08:10:47 UTC
Post by ren
Post by root
I'd kinda got the impression that 'Merlin' represented the 'seeker' and/or
storyteller, looking back in time, and reshaping the story - and weaving
Post by root
bits of 'magic' to get around awkward details.
Good observation. In some stories he is known as the "one who walks backward
in time."
Taking that idea and applying it in the real world, there is only one
explanation I can think of.
'Merlin' represents the self, as the historian/storyteller. So we as the
'seekers' become the Merlin archetype.
There are plenty of clues in the Excalibur movie, if one watches it from
that point of view - most of Merlin's lines are really quite funny jokes.

"Looking at the future is like looking at the cake, until you've taken a
bite, what do you really know? And then of course, it's too late."



2004-04-24 15:11:54 UTC
Do I think that E.T.s are from other dimensions or other planets?

I think they are from both.
2004-04-25 14:01:48 UTC
Sure, but does it make 'em Merlin? Neh. He's an archetype.
Post by ren
Do I think that E.T.s are from other dimensions or other planets?
I think they are from both.
2004-04-25 15:05:40 UTC
Post by Rhyanon
Sure, but does it make 'em Merlin? Neh. He's an archetype.
He is an archetype, yes.