Fairuza Balk was born as a man!!!
(too old to reply)
Gerry Lintonice
2005-09-23 08:59:28 UTC
Yes, he is a transvestite and his dick is 14,5 inches long.
2005-09-23 12:34:37 UTC
Post by Gerry Lintonice
Yes, he is a transvestite and his dick is 14,5 inches long.
Please consider NOT RESPONDING to this attempted thread. If you must, then
remove his tracking newsgroups and trophy case, zamestnani.hledam, from the
NEWSGROUPS line (or whatever it takes with _your_ newsreader to prevent

Every month or so, using a fictitious name, this troll floods 5000
newsgroups (all cross-posted to one or more low-traffic but unrelated
"scorecard" newsgroup) with superficially relevant comments. The
purpose is to disrupt with off-topic crosspostings. Browse the
finet.unet newsgroups, his current score cards, for the "big picture"
on the person you are replying to.
Post by Gerry Lintonice
this group is for megalomaniac trolls and spambots only who like
to terrorize the usenet.
Only fans of George W.Bush are allowed to post here, because we are
fans of his greatness, Lord Bush.
Atheists, heretics and witches are not allowed to post here and will
be burned at the stake!
He is known as the "anagram troll" because his fictitious names are often
discovered to be anagrams:

Gerry Lintonice -----> Nitroglycerine
Tristan Beeline -----> Albert Einstein
Winnie Oakbob -----> Obi-wan Kenobi
Paul Eisner -----> Super Alien
Tom-Alex Soorhull -----> Homosexual Troll
Lester T. Linpord -----> President Troll
Karl Reitlos -----> Kaiser Troll
Rick Stoll -----> Sick Troll
Karl-Hugo Weesberg -----> George Walker Bush
Hans-Marc Olsen -----> Charles Manson
Eric Coldo -----> Crocodile
G.K. Konnig -----> King Kong
Brian Raab -----> Barbarian
Pablo Rena -----> Anal Probe
Patrick Kain -----> Captain Kirk
Alberto Panno-Peano -----> Napoleon Bonaparte
Ted Harvard -----> Darth Vader
Faith Dorell -----> Adolf Hitler
Leah Lidtorf -----> Adolf Hitler
Ralf Dieholt -----> Adolf Hitler
Blaine Adamson -----> Osama Bin-Laden
Adam Ben Nalois -----> Osama Bin-Laden
Shane D. Maudiss -----> Sadam Hussein
Keith J. Crapper -----> Jack The Ripper
Stan J. Lefosi -----> Josef Stalin
Evan-Josh Roose -----> Jason Voorhees
Bruno Beam -----> Unabomber
Dan Simper -----> Spiderman

Other aliases he has used:

Charles Immey
Harlan Osier
Post by Gerry Lintonice
I'm the evil anagram troll and I like to create persons with names
which are anagrams of something stupid.
This would be a good idea for a screenplay, because people can try to
find out the anagrams ...
Like all trolls, he means to annoy and disrupt. The tracking newsgroup is
the way he "keeps score" of how much damage he has caused. Don't put
yourself on display in his trophy case.

Google groups (the service the troll uses to post) has already expressed
that will not take action based on complaints about this type of behavior.

+-------------------+ .:\:\:/:/:.
| PLEASE DO NOT | :.:\:\:/:/:.:
| FEED THE TROLL | :=.' - - '.=:
| | '=(\ 9 9 /)='
| Thank you, | ( (_) )
| Management | /`-vvv-'\
+-------------------+ / \
| | @@@ / /|,,,,,|\ \
| | @@@ /_// /^\ \\_\
@x@@x@ | | |/ WW( ( ) )WW
\||||/ | | \| __\,,\ /,,/__
\||/ | | | jgs (______Y______)