(too old to reply)
2004-04-28 01:17:32 UTC
From: ren (***@hotmail.com)
Subject: [cyrptic message to alt.religion.wicca] Prepare To Prepare!
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Newsgroups: alt.religion.wicca, alt.fan.fairuza-balk
Date: 2004-04-26 19:04:54 PST

That is what someone wrote in red color on a white background and put it in
front of my face this morning. Of course I was lucid dreaming at the time.

This is a warning but it isn't a personal threat. It's a warning of what is
about to happen in the world most likely this week.

My dreams are intense right now and my subconscious is taking over my
conscious control of lucid dreams in order to convey messages to me from
myself, from departed spirits, from extra-terrestrial life, and from other
practitioners in this present world.

The message is; "Prepare To Prepare!"

In another dream I was asked to remind all of you that Fairuza Balk is of
European and Middle Eastern heritage. She is Wiccan.

We are the rings to unite East and West in peace.

I also dreamed of my past lives in Asia. This theme also has to do with the
desire to tell people that people are people and we all want the same
things. To be safe and happy. We must not encourage war.

In past lives I lived to write about war and the best way to kill. I was the
chickenhawk through the centuries. Too cowardly to fight but talented enough
to tell other people how best to kill.

I payed dearly several times for my arrogance.
From: ren (***@hotmail.com)Subject: The Blair Witch Project (Experiment
In Nensha And Kakashi) This is the only article in this thread View:
Original Format Newsgroups: alt.religion.wiccaDate: 2004-04-26 22:05:31 PST
2004-04-28 02:05:18 UTC
Post by ren
That is what someone wrote in red color on a white background and put it in
front of my face this morning. Of course I was lucid dreaming at the time.
I just read this post, and got up to leave, and on my wall was the
most fantastic shape I have ever seen. I could tell that it must be
created from light coming in from somewhere, but it didn't look like
anything created by light shining in from a window, and the curtains
are drawn, and it was on an almost black blue wall. It was muted as if
someone had drawn in chalk. It was huge and many coloured.

I went to take a picture, but it faded as I walked back in the room.