Is Fairuza married?
(too old to reply)
2005-01-23 21:06:22 UTC
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Did she and Steve Gilmore ever end up getting married?

Say it ain't so. <g>
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2005-01-24 14:56:35 UTC
On 23 Jan 2005 21:06:22 -0000,
Post by Sepia
Did she and Steve Gilmore ever end up getting married?
Probably since the STAR article was never rebuked. This 2 yr old
picture sort of suppoerts the STAR article.
Post by Sepia
Say it ain't so. <g>
2005-01-24 19:54:14 UTC
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Post by SabracadabrA
On 23 Jan 2005 21:06:22 -0000,
Post by Sepia
Did she and Steve Gilmore ever end up getting married?
Probably since the STAR article was never rebuked. This 2 yr old
picture sort of suppoerts the STAR article.
Thanks for the photo, SabracadabrA.

I googled all over yesterday but was unable to find any current
info on the subject. Which, btw, I found strange since most celebs
can't fart without the press making something of it.

Guess ya can't expect a hot babe like her to remain single forever.
#&%$ ! <g>
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2005-01-25 16:50:08 UTC
On 24 Jan 2005 19:54:14 -0000,
Post by Sepia
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Post by SabracadabrA
On 23 Jan 2005 21:06:22 -0000,
Post by Sepia
Did she and Steve Gilmore ever end up getting married?
Probably since the STAR article was never rebuked. This 2 yr old
picture sort of suppoerts the STAR article.
Thanks for the photo, SabracadabrA.
I googled all over yesterday but was unable to find any current
info on the subject. Which, btw, I found strange since most celebs
can't fart without the press making something of it.
It doesn't surprise me that you couldn't find any info on it Fairuza
likes to stay under the radar regarding her personal life. Can't say I
blame her for wanting her private life to remain private I'm the same
way. I remember seeing it posted to Fairuza.com and never bothered
trying to find out anything more on it. I'm a fan of her work and
talent and beauty not her personal life.
Post by Sepia
Guess ya can't expect a hot babe like her to remain single forever.
#&%$ ! <g>
I have to agree with you there it was only a matter of time before she
found someone. If she and Steve G. did get married I hope it works out
for them, everyone deserves to be happy.
Post by Sepia
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